Bicentennial Old Testament/Hebrew Bible Conference celebrating 200 years’ birthdays of evangelical researchers in Denmark on the occasion of the 70th and 60th birthdays of Carsten Vang, Nicolai Winther-Nielsen and Jens Bruun Kofoed
Hosted by Lutheran School of Theology in Aarhus (Menighedsfakultetet) and Copenhagen Lutheran School of Theology (Dansk Bibel-Institut).
13.00-14.30 Willem van Peursen
Professor at the Faculty of Religion and Theology, Texts and Traditions, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam
The ETCBC Morphological Encoding of Biblical Hebrew
15.00-17.00 Markus Zehnder
Professor of Old Testament and Semitics at the Talbot School of Theology, Biola University, California
Thoughts on How to Use the Hebrew Bible to Assess Current Ethical Issues
19.00-21.00 Synagogue night at the Great Synagogue in Krystalgade,
Jair Melchior, Chief Rabbi, The Jewish Community in Denmark
A tour of the synagogue and its history followed by a New Year’s Address
9.00-9.45 Garth Gilmour
Research Fellow, Department of Old and New Testament, University of Stellenbosch, South Africa
Was there an image of the Deity in the Jerusalem Temple?
9.55-10.40 Alan R. Millard
Rankin Professor Emeritus of Hebrew and Ancient Semitic languages, and Honorary Senior Fellow (Ancient Near East), at the School of Ar- chaeology, Classics and Egyptology (SACE) in the Univ. of Liverpool.
Where did Israel’s God come from?
10.50-11.35 Alan R. Millard
Biographies of Abraham and other Ancient Men
12.30-14.00 Richard E. Averbeck
Professor of Old Testament and Semitic languages, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, Deerfield, Illinois
The Goodness and Weakness of the Law
14.30-16.00 James K. Hoffmeier
Professor Emeritus of Old Testament and Ancient Near Eastern History and Archeology at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, Deerfield, Illinois.
The Memphite Theology: Its Political and Theological Role and Its Relationship to Genesis 1
9.00-9.45 Nicolai Winther-Nielsen
Professor of Old Testament and Information and Communication Technology at Copenhagen Lutheran School of Theology and affiliated researcher at the Eep Talstra Center for Bible and Computer
Ten Commands for Hebrew Bible-Driven Analysis: DePaCKing Jonah 3-4
10.15-11.15 Jens Bruun Kofoed
Professor of Old Testament at Fjellhaug International University College and Copenhagen Lutheran School of Theology, and Theological Director at the CLST Center for Theology in Praxis
Old Testament Law and Pastoral Counseling on Gender Issues
Foredrag og fødselsdagsreception
Lørdag eftermiddag er åben for alle (Public Lectures in Danish)
12.15-14.00 ”200 år” med konservativ bibelforskning i Danmark
Carsten Vang
Lektor i Gammel Testamente på Menighedsfakultetet
Fra bibelfortolkning til bibelsk arkæologi
Nicolai Winther-Nielsen
Professor i Gammel Testamente og Informations- og Kommunikationsteknologi på Dansk Bibel-Institut
Fra tekstanalyse og sprog til salmer i bøn
Jens Bruun Kofoed
Professor i Gammel Testamente på Fjellhaug International University College og Dansk Bibel-Institut, Teologisk Leder af Center for Teologi i Praksis
Fra Israels historie til det skabte menneskes gode liv
14.00-16.00 Reception
Dansk Bibel-Institut, Leifsgade 33,6. 2300 København S
Pris: kr. 1.400 for hele konferencen
- torsdag: kr. 500
- fredag kr. 500
- lørdag formiddag, kr. 400
- gratis for studerende uden SU
- halv pris for andre studerende
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