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Jens Bruun Kofoed
Professor of Old Testament
Phone: (+45) 2965 9310


1992 Cand. theol. (Th.M) from University of Copenhagen

1992 Graduate from Copenhagen Pastoral Seminary

2001 Ph.D. from University of Aarhus, Denmark

(Dissertation: Text and History: Historiography and the Old Testament Text)

2003 Adjunktpædagogikum (course in pedagogy required from DK university teachers )


1983 – 1984 Youth worker in Kristeligt Forbund for Studerende (IFES)

1985 – 1992 Janitor and verger at Kingo’s Church, Copenhagen.

1992 – 1995 Youth secretary in Evangelisk Luthersk Missionsforening (revival movement)

1993 – 1995 Part time teacher in Old Testament at Copenhagen Lutheran School of Theology

1995 – 2005 Lecturer in Old Testament at Copenhagen Lutheran School of Theology

2003 – 2006 Lecturer in multimediahomiletics at Aalborg University

2005 Acting Principal at Copenhagen Lutheran School of Theology

2005 – 2014 Associate Professor in Old Testament at Copenhagen Lutheran School of Theology

2008 – 2013 Associate Professor in Old Testament at Fjellhaug International University College

2009 – 2010 Programme Director at Copenhagen Lutheran School of Theology

2011 Visiting Professor at the Theological Faculty of the Malagassy Lutheran Church

2013 – Professor of Old Testament at Fjellhaug International University College, Oslo

2014 – Professor of Old Testament at Fjellhaug International University College, Copenhagen

2014 – Professor of Old Testament at Copenhagen Lutheran School of Theology

Specialization and Research Projects

1998 – 2001 Ph.D.-studies, Faculty of Theology, University of Aarhus, Denmark

1999 – 2000 Studies under prof. Alan Millard and Kenneth A. Kitchen, University of Liverpool

2011 – Member of the Bridging Data and Tradition Research Project funded by Netherlands

Organization for Scientific Research (NWO) and executed as a joint project of the Leiden

Institute for Religious Studies and the Amsterdam WIVU Vrije Universiteit,


2011 – Organizer of the EUROPlot Picture Database Project in relation

to Associate Professor Nicolai Winther-Nielsen’s EU-project [].

Positions of Trust, Honours and Awards

1990 – Board member of the Danish Society for Biblical Archaeology

1993 – 2001 Board member of Kristelig Forbund for Studerende (IFES)

1995 – 1997 Chairman of the Danish Society for Biblical Archaeology

1996 – 1998 Deputy chairman of Kristelig Forbund for Studerende (IFES)

2000 – 2008 Elder and (unsalaried) pastor in Københavnerkirken (Copenhagener Church)

2004 – 2011 Editor-in-Chief of Hiphil []

2004 – Panel member of Kristelig Dagblad’s Panel on Religion

2005 Appointed Theologian of the Year by Lutheran School of Theology in Aarhus

2005 Invited author in a discussion on the Yahoo Biblical-Studies discussion list run by Niels

Peter Lemche and Jim West.

2005 – Peer Reviewer for Journal of Asia Adventist Seminary (JAAS)

2006 – Member of the Steering Committee of the ETS Old Testament Narrative Books Section

2011 – External Academic Consultant for the Malagassy Lutheran Church’s Theological Faculty

in Fianarantsoa, Madagascar

2010 – Editor-in-Chief for Scandinavian Evangelical e-Journal (SEE-J) []

2012 – Peer Reviewer for Theofilos []

2013 Guest editor of the launching volume of Hiphil Novum []

Membership of Learned Societies

Society of Biblical Literature (SBL)

Evangelical Theological Society (ETS)

Facharbeits Gruppe Altes Testament (FAGAT) der Arbeitsgemeindschaft für Evangelikale Theologie (AfET)

American School of Oriental Research (ASOR)

Institute for Biblical Research (IBR)

The Hellsjö Network (Lutheran School of Theology in Aarhus, Fjellhaug International University College, Theological Institute of Finland, Lutheran School of Theology in Gothenburg, Copenhagen Lutheran School of Theology).